
Who We Are

A Council of Governments (COG)

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SECOG) is a public agency with representatives from twenty-two towns, cities, and boroughs, formed to provide a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues.

A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

SECOG is a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and as such, receives Federal and State funds to coordinate transportation planning in its member municipalities. Prioritization of funds for transportation projects is made by the SECOG Board, with assistance from staff.

What We Do

Regional Planning

Under the guidance of member municipalities, SECOG’s Regional Planning division periodically prepares the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development and takes on projects that help to improve local quality of life through regional coordination and support. We support local government jurisdictions and stakeholder groups to develop strategies, obtain technical expertise, and pursue funding and other resources to overcome collective community challenges.

Municipal Services

For many smaller municipalities, it’s not always cost-effective to hire full-time staff. SECOG provides municipal services to our members to promote operational efficiencies and cost-savings. SECOG staff regularly provides support to Planning & Zoning Commissions, Inland Wetlands & Conservation Commissions, Land Use Departments, and Building Departments.

Transportation Planning

SECOG’s transportation planning responsibilities include administering a regional metropolitan transportation plan (MTP), developing a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and developing the region’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP). In our role as an MPO we publish focused plans for safety, active transportation, freight, and congestion mitigation, and provide support to transit districts operating within the SECOG region.

SECOG’s region includes twenty-two towns, cities, and boroughs and over 280,000 residents.