SECOG Board and Committees


SECOG’s board is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe and liaisons from the United States Coast Guard and United States Navy.

Members (Voting)

Town of Bozrah
Glenn Pianka, First Selectman

Town of Colchester
Bernie Dennler, First Selectman

Town of East Lyme
Dan Cunningham, First Selectman

Town of Franklin
Alden Miner, First Selectman

Town of Griswold
Tina Falck, First Selectman

City of Groton
Keith Hedrick, Mayor

Town of Groton
Rachael Franco, Mayor
John Burt, Town Manager

Borough of Jewett City
Laurie Sorder, Warden

Town of Lebanon
Kevin Cwikla, First Selectman

Town of Ledyard
Fred Allyn III, Mayor

Town of Lisbon
Thomas Sparkman, First Selectman

Town of Montville
Lenny Bunnell, Mayor

City of New London
Michael Passero, Mayor

Town of North Stonington
Robert Carlson, First Selectman

City of Norwich
Peter Nystrom, Mayor
John Salomone, City Manager

Town of Preston
Sandra Allyn-Gauthier, First Selectman

Town of Salem
Ed Chmielewski, First Selectman

Town of Sprague
Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectman

Town of Stonington
Danielle Chesebrough, First Selectman

Borough of Stonington
Michael Schefers, Warden

Town of Waterford
Rob Brule, First Selectman

Town of Windham
Tom DeVivo, Mayor
Robert Zarnetske, Town Manager

Affiliate Members (non-voting)

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council
Rodney Butler, Chairman

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council
Robert Hayward, Manager, State Government Affairs

Mohegan Tribal Council
James Gessner, Jr., Interim Chairman

Mohegan Tribal Council
Chuck Bunnell, Chief of Staff, External Governmental Affairs

Naval Submarine Base New London
CAPT Ken Curtin, USN, Commanding Officer

Naval Submarine Base New London
Steve Sadlowski, USN, Community Plans & Liaison Officer

United States Coast Guard Academy
RADM Michael Johnston, USCG, Superintendent

United States Coast Guard Academy
LT Victoria Sparacino, USCG, Governmental Affairs Officer

Executive Committee

The SECOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SECOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SECOG body.

Chair – Town of Waterford
Rob Brule, First Selectman

Vice Chair – Town of Sprague
Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectman

Treasurer – Town of Windham
Thomas DeVivo, Mayor

Secretary – Town of North Stonington
Robert Carlson, First Selectman

Rep. at Large – City of Norwich
John Salomone, City Manager

Rep. at Large – Town of Stonington
Danielle Chesebrough, First Selectman

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Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee is an ad hoc committee of SECOG’s board members tasked with preparing an annual Legislative Agenda for submission to the Connecticut General Assembly. The Legislative Agenda consists of a priority list of policy issues and initiatives that are important to SECOG as a region.

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