Southeastern Connecticut Housing Alliance (SECHA)
The Southeastern Connecticut Housing Alliance (SECHA) was incorporated in 2006 as an advocacy organization, dedicated to promoting affordable housing in southeastern Connecticut. SECHA took the place of the Blue Ribbon Panel for Housing, which was formed following a 2002 study of housing needs in the region. Today, SECOG and SECHA work closely, with SECOG providing administrative and program support to SECHA.
SECHA will work to advance access to housing through continuous collaboration and leadership.
Equipped with adequate skills and resources, stakeholders need to coordinate their combined efforts to affect change. Through collaboration among its diverse membership and community connections, SECHA will build capacity with the region to increase affordable housing and develop solutions for additional housing options.
SECHA recognizes the need to develop informed policymakers, activists, and communities, in order to improve public and private housing programs and policies. SECHA will foster support and leadership for affordable housing.
Our internal capacity to provide value for the community and advance SECHA’s goals requires us to effectively monitor the organization’s governance, marketing, and communications, as well as its financial stability.
SECHA Documents
SECHA Strategic Plan (January 2019)
2016 Regional Housing Profile (SECHA)
Additional housing-related documents can be found here: Housing