Land-Use Referrals

SECOG reviews land-use referrals pursuant to Sections 8-3b, 8-23h(4), and 8-26b of the Connecticut General Statutes. Planning and/or Zoning commissions are required to notify Regional Councils of Governments when:

  • Hearing a proposed amendment to the zoning regulations or zoning map that would affect land within 500 feet of an adjoining municipality (Sec. 8-3b).
  • Hearing a proposed or amended Plan of Conservation and Development (Sec. 8-23h(4)).
  • Hearing or reviewing a proposal for subdivision of land that includes land in more than one municipality or that borders another municipality (8-26b).

SECOG staff reviews proposals and prepares responses, giving consideration to negative inter-municipal impacts and consistency with the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development, if applicable.


Please refer the request to SECOG 30 days prior to potential adoption for zoning and subdivision actions, and 65 days prior to potential adoption of plans of conservation and development, per timelines established by statute.

Please submit statutory referrals via e-mail to [email protected]. Attach or include a link to the subject regulation or map amendment, subdivision proposal, or draft Plan of Conservation and Development. An automatic reply confirming receipt of the referral will be sent for your records.

Use of Certified Mail is also allowed by Statute but discouraged.