Municipal Utility Planning Support for Southeastern Connecticut
Municipal utility networks are critically linked to the location and character of development throughout Southeastern Connecticut. Sewer and water infrastructure can allow for denser areas of housing development that contribute to addressing the regional housing crisis with judicious and efficient use of land, and areas for commercial and industrial activity that expand economic opportunities. Reducing incidences of power outages and reinforcing the electrical grid is a key theme in hazard mitigation planning and implementation. In these and similar efforts, SECOG supports municipalities in planning for needs related to water, sewer, electric, natural gas, and other utility-adjacent infrastructure networks, such as broadband.
Public Drinking Water Supplies
The SECOG Regional Water Committee
The Regional Water Committee meets as needed to discuss, plan for, and implement measures that address drinking water quality and quantity for southeastern Connecticut’s public water systems. A notable accomplishment of the Regional Water Committee is the regionally interconnected “horseshoe” system, which provides emergency connections to public water systems on the east and west sides of the Thames River, via a sub-fluvial pipe.
2011 Regional Water Priority Planning Map
Eastern WUCC
SECOG is also a member of the Eastern Water Utility Coordinating Committee (Eastern WUCC). The Eastern WUCC is a planning body comprised of every public water system in eastern Connecticut, as well as appointed staff from SECOG and our sister agency, the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG).Organized under the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Eastern WUCC is required by State Statute to develop a Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP) and establish, maintain, and modify boundaries for the Exclusive Service Areas (ESAs) of water utility companies. Comprehensive information regarding the State’s three WUCCs is available from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Wastewater Infrastructure
Regional Wastewater Management Plan (2019)
In November 2018, SECOG began a study to assess the region’s wastewater infrastructure to determine planning-level future needs and service challenges, as well as identify alternatives for inter- and intra-system expansion, cooperation, and improvement. This study was adopted by the SECOG Board in July 2019.