Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

SECOG offices 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT, United States

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe […]

SCCOG Executive Committee

The SCCOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SCCOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SCCOG body. Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Memberships CHAIR […]

Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

SECOG offices 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT, United States

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe and liaisons from the United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, and Southeast Area Transit District (SEAT). Agenda Minutes Memberships TOWN OF BOZRAH Glenn Pianka, […]

SCCOG Executive Committee

The SCCOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SCCOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SCCOG body. Meeting Agenda Memberships CHAIR Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectwoman, Town of Sprague VICE CHAIR Robert Carlson, First Selectman, Town of North Stonington TREASURER Dan Cunningham, First Selectman, Town of East Lyme SECRETARY […]

Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

SECOG offices 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT, United States

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe and liaisons from the United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, and Southeast Area Transit District (SEAT). Agenda Memberships TOWN OF BOZRAH Glenn Pianka, First […]

SCCOG Executive Committee

The SCCOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SCCOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SCCOG body. Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Memberships CHAIR Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectwoman, Town of Sprague VICE CHAIR Robert Carlson, First Selectman, Town of North Stonington TREASURER Dan Cunningham, First Selectman, Town of East […]

SECOG Executive Committee

The SECOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SCCOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SECOG body. Meeting Agenda Memberships CHAIR Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectwoman, Town of Sprague VICE CHAIR Robert Carlson, First Selectman, Town of North Stonington TREASURER Dan Cunningham, First Selectman, Town of East Lyme SECRETARY […]

SECOG Board Meeting

SECOG offices 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT, United States

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe and liaisons from the United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, and Southeast Area Transit District (SEAT). Meeting Agenda Presentation- SE CT Childcare Collective Draft […]

SECOG March 2025 Executive Committee

The SECOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each board meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SECOG body. Agenda Draft Public Participation Plan Memo […]

SECOG Board Meeting

SECOG offices 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT, United States

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is composed of the Chief Elected Officials of 22 member municipalities. Also represented are affiliate members the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Mohegan Tribe […]

SECOG Executive Committee

The SECOG Executive Committee meets monthly to set the agenda for each SCCOG meeting and provides guidance and recommendations to the entire SECOG body. Memberships CHAIR Cheryl Blanchard, First Selectwoman, […]